Project Prototype

I left my job at the beginning of the year, to pursue my passion for making games. Initially, I was working on Witch Doctor, a chaotic party game where the players are running a clinic, attempting to create medicines for patients. While I enjoyed that game idea, my true love has always been RPGs. I had been developing a story in the background - before quitting my job, I had worried my creativity had left me, but I had quickly managed to write 45k words - and wanting to figure out Godot's UI system, I thought I would make a RPG battle system.

Doing that, and using the characters from my story made me want to just make this game. This might be the only chance I get to do something I am truly passionate about after all. So I decided to switch, focus on making this prototype, to show that I am capable of making such a game. So this is a month of all my work, the dialogue system, battle system, exploration, ability tree, codex, portrait creation, etc.

Get Starlight Shadow Prototype


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Hadn‘t had the oportunity to test the game out yet but your story was very moving. From the screenshots I‘d say it‘s comming together nicely 👍.

I wish you good luck in further pursuing your passion :). 

Thank you very much!